A vape detector is an air quality sensor that monitors the atmosphere of a space for signs of chemicals and particulate matter commonly associated with e-cigarette vapor. When the concentration of these particles reaches a predetermined threshold, stakeholders are alerted that vaping is occurring and can take immediate action to prevent the spread of secondhand smoke.
Vape detection systems help to create a safer and healthier learning environment for students by eliminating risks from secondhand smoke as well as helping them comply with school policies regarding smoking or vaping in any area. Using advanced vape sensors in classrooms, hallways, locker rooms, and other areas will help to reduce bullying, as well as the negative health consequences of excessive vaping (such as addiction, mental health issues, and heart disease).
Vape Detectors: Protecting Public Spaces and Schools
Vapor aerosols from e-cigarettes can negatively impact air quality, leading to loss of productivity, lower employee morale, and respiratory problems for customers or employees. Implementing vape sensors in public spaces, workplaces, and private buildings will protect people from harmful secondhand exposure while bolstering security efforts to deter unauthorized access by those intent on violating company policy.
Most modern smoke and vape sensors are comprised of multiple components, including a set of air-quality sensors to identify volatile organic compounds and particulate matter, a microprocessor for data analysis and communication (via WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular connection), and a battery or AC power source. Depending on the needs of the location, additional features may be included like anti-tamper or environmental monitoring sensors.